Center for the Defence of the Individual - Freedom of Information data: In 2021, Israel’s Ministry of Interior stripped 26 East Jerusalem Palestinians of their permanent residency status as part of Israel’s “quiet deportation” policy; 15 of them women and one minor
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Freedom of Information data: In 2021, Israel’s Ministry of Interior stripped 26 East Jerusalem Palestinians of their permanent residency status as part of Israel’s “quiet deportation” policy; 15 of them women and one minor

In early January 2022, as in every year, HaMoked submitted to the Ministry of Interior an application under the Freedom of Information Law for information on revocations of permanent residency status of East Jerusalem Palestinians for the year 2021. The application was sent as part of HaMoked's ongoing advocacy against Israel's “quiet deportation” of East Jerusalem Palestinians, implemented since late 1995.

The Ministry of Interior response of January 24, 2022, indicates that in the year 2021, Israel revoked the residency of 26 East Jerusalem Palestinians, including 15 women and one minor. Of the total, 23 people were outside of Israel on the date of the revocation. This is a rise compared to the previous year, in which 18 people were deprived of their status.

According to the Ministry of Interior's figures supplied over the years, between 1967 and 2021, Israel revoked the status of 14,727 Palestinians from East Jerusalem on the grounds that their status “expired of itself”.

The Ministry of Interior also stated that there was no change to its current policy of not revoking the status of Jerusalemites who “maintain a connection” to the city. As a result of previous policy changes following litigation by HaMoked and others, permanent residents who live in the Jerusalem “seam” neighborhoods or moved to live in other parts of the West Bank will not lose their status. Nor will those who live abroad – provided they visit Israel periodically.

Additionally, the Ministry of Interior disclosed that in 2021, 39 East Jerusalem Palestinians filed requests to have their residency status reinstated (none of which has yet been approved). Over the course of the year, the Ministry approved 22 requests for status-reinstatement that had been submitted between 2015-2019; 4 requests were refused, all of which were filed in 2021 (1 was refused on “criminal” grounds and 3 were refused on claims regarding “center-of-life/neglect [of the request]/other”).

HaMoked reiterates that the situation of East Jerusalem residents is unlike that of any other permanent resident, as the area in question was annexed by Israel and its inhabitants were compelled to become permanent residents of Israel. They are an indigenous population and their status cannot be subject to expiration or to revocation (due to allegations of breach of allegiance or otherwise). The High Court of Justice has also recognized the unique status of East Jerusalem residents – for whom this piece of land is home. The law must recognize that the residency rights of East Jerusalem Palestinians cannot expire even following a lengthy stay abroad or the acquisition of status in another country, nor be revoked for any reason.

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