Center for the Defence of the Individual - D. Kretzmer, "The Advisory Opinion: The Light Treatment of International Humanitarian Law", 99 A.J.I.L. 88 (January, 2005)
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D. Kretzmer, "The Advisory Opinion: The Light Treatment of International Humanitarian Law", 99 A.J.I.L. 88 (January, 2005)

The article criticizes the ICJ's adisory opinion regarding the wall and claims that the weakness of its rulings regarding international humanitarian law might reduce the chances that Israel would reconsider the wall's route. The author believes that the Court did not explain how the illegality of the settlements reflects on the question of the wall's legality and did not properly establish why by seizing land and destroying property for the purpose of erecting the wall, Israel is violating international law. Published with the permission of the American Society of International Law.


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